Norman Rockwell is the gift that keeps on giving!
I just purchased this cover on ebay for a relative bargain of $110. I've never owned a copy but is in the Moffatt catalogue as C181. The U.S.N.R.F. was used on a Post and Life cover as well.
Inside this very rare magazine I was pleasantly surprosed to find a photograph and interview with my other obsession Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

The next cover, on a 1923 Maclean's, a Canadian magazine, is not in Moffatt. I just ran into an old friend and avid Rockwell enthusiast Phil Sperry, who told me he has one as well. From the models and style, the image was probably painted years earlier, circa 1916 or 1917. It may have been a previously rejected Post cover that Rockwell resubmitted, something he did regularly.